Vocalink Global is a language services firm, enabling companies to communicate through various channels, platforms and mediums in different languages.

When Vocalink wanted to update their corporate identity, I was part of a team that included marketing research, marketing strategy, and social media strategy. The team sought to communicate an image of grit and energy — portraying a company proud of their heritage and expertise, trusted to get the job done.

The two penant shapes of the brandmark represent the two sides of communication exchange. The area of overlap — the area of connection — is a penant shape that relates to the V in Vocalink. Vocalink IS the point of connection — the point where the two sides of communication are HEARD and UNDERSTOOD. The typeface was chosen because it has a structural solidity that represents the strength and focus of Vocalink Global.

The result is an identity that is dynamic and energetic, but with strength and solidity.

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