A Fool’s Paradise

By April 21, 2016Something to Say

It was a typical morning. I was clearing the junk from my email, when a subject line caught my eye:


Now, I will sometimes click on a Redbox email just to remind myself what movies I’ve been missing. But I was intrigued. “We’ve got a j-“ A job? (Not that I’m looking for a job!)
So I took a look:


It took a second for it to sink in. Kiosk ambassadors? Then I laughed out loud. Did you notice the date of the email? Yes! April Fools’ Day!! Of course I wanted to “Learn More.” So I clicked through.


Even more fun! And just in case anyone was actually fooled, the promo code gave it away. (And the small print at the bottom.)

I mention this Redbox prank not just because it’s awesome, but because it’s a great example of an alternative way to connect with your audience. April Fool’s day is a fun opportunity to reach out in unexpected ways that catch the notice of your audience.

Any size organization can get in on the fun. Here’s another bogus email (stop me if you’ve heard this one), which a colleague of mine shared from a freelancer who specializes in PowerPoint:

Now maybe levity isn’t consistent with your brand identity, and these tongue-in-cheek emails don’t work for you. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look for opportunities to meet your audience in new places or in new ways. And I suspect that for most of you, a little “lightness” — if not actual humor — might even be appreciated.

So look for opportunities to do the unexpected. We’ve already passed Groundhog Day and Pi Day (March 14 – 3.14) this year, but Star Wars day is coming up (May 4 – May the Fourth be with you). National Peanut Butter Cookie Day (June 12) and Embrace Your Geekness Day (July 13) are notably under-utilized. Maybe there are days that are special to your organization. You could even make up one of your own.

So keep an eye out, and don’t be afraid to be a little foolish. Sometimes the best marketing is a good sense of humor.

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